The Story

First-generation immigrant. Filipino, born and raised in London. The creative journey started with music. Dabbled with media/videos during secondary school years.

Studied 'Digital Media Design' at Bournemouth University. Worked in Bournemouth as a 'Creative Web Designer'. Grew more interest in the design side of things and self-taught graphic design.

Pre-pandemic, moved back home to London and became a Junior Designer at Eight&Four where I developed my motion design.

Furlough/Lockdown, focussed on up skilling my design and became a Mentee at Creative Mentor Network. Moved on to join Stink Studios as a designer where I developed more design and went more into art direction for 2 years.

Now building Navigator International a 360 luxury marketing agency working as their Senior Digital Designer on all things brand and creative assets for luxury clients within hospitality.

I'm also part of the Youth Board for Creative Mentor Network and dabble with freelance where I can and also session guitar.


Art direction
Motion Design
Graphic Design
Print Design
UX Design
3D Design

Clients I've worked with

World Wide Web


D&AD New Blood Awards
Indigo Awards
ADC Annual Awards
The Design Kids Awards
TDC Typeface Design
The Young Ones ADC
